Alison Arroway takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’. She has to, or she won’t get paid. Alison is a stunt double for pampered teen actress Pomegranate and when the director takes the shoot to Portugal, Alison is anything but thrilled to be rooming with Pom. But getting to hang around teen hearthrob Erik? Now that’s a plus.
Erik invites both girls on a sunset boat trip and Alison manages to have a decent time. Until the storm hits and the boat is shipwrecked on a small island, leaving Erik missing and the boat captain dead.
In the morning light, Alison and Pom find themselves on the lost island of Atlantis. Only one problem: now that the girls know the secret of the island, the Atlanteans don’t want them to leave. They're stuck with corsets, full-skirted dresses, and the strange steam-driven contraptions that are just a way of life for the islanders.
When a plot by the ruthless army Captain to take over the island and declare himself General over all emerges, an underground group promises to return the girls to the mainland if they can help stop him. They'll go through a mountain, literally, to find the Book of Blue, a book that will explain how to make ‘the stars fall sideways' in order to save the day and earn their freedom.
THE STARS FELL SIDEWAYS, a YA Steampunkish fantasy, coming October 1st from MolliePup Press!
Cassandra Marshall is giving away a signed pre-order of THE STARS FELL SIDEWAYS! To enter, visit each of the blogs below to find special inside info about THE STARS FELL SIDEWAYS and Cassandra Marshall.
The special inside info for this blog is: Alison's last name, Arroway, was taken from Dr. Ellie Arroway from 1997's Contact with Jodie Foster because Cassandra thought the similar themes of stars and adventures to new places was neat. Be sure to visit all of the blogs to find all of the insider info and then visit thestarsfellsideways.com to enter to win a signed pre-order! You can gain additional entries by sharing links to the cover reveals!
Shiela Blank - http://www.shielawrites.blogspot.com
Julianna Helms -http://thereviewsnews.blogspot.com
Liana Brooks - http://www.lianabrooks.com
Jamie Corrigan - http://thiswritersworldplotbunnies.blogspot.com
James Matlack Raney - http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6430715.James_Matlack_Raney/blog
Colleen Hampton - http://adventures-in-word.blogspot.com
Rhen Wilson - http://blog.thenaturaltale.com
Kate SitHere- http://www.sithereandread.com
Erica Haglund - http://thebookcellarx.com
Alice M. - http://notveryalice.wordpress.com
Becca - http://beccaweston.wordpress.com
Lauren - http://lscribeharris.blogspot.com
Cassandra - http://www.camarshall.com
YAY! Thanks for helping out, Liana!