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Tuesday, April 3, 2012


With the economy the way it is everyone is pinching pennies these days. And while EVEN VILLAINS FALL IN LOVE is cheaper than a coffee from Starbucks we all have to watch the bottom line these days.

In order to save you from worrying all night over whether you should spend on a few dollars on an e-book I've put together a handy checklist and flow chart to help you make your decision.

- Did you like Despicable Me and/or Megamind
- Do you like superheroes?
- Do you like comics?
- Do you like laughing?
------ If you answered YES to any of the above you should preorder EVFIL and read it at midnight. CLICK HERE-----------

Are comic books and kid's movies not your thing, that's okay, here's a checklist that will help.
- Do you like action?
- Do you like suspense?
- Do you like a touch of romance in your reading?
----- If you answered YES to any of the above you should plan on buying EVFIL this week. CLICK HERE-----

If you don't like those try this checklist.
- Can you read English?
- Are you breathing?
---- If you answered yes to any of the above you should buy EVFIL before the end of the month. CLICK HERE ---------

Also available at Amazon!

A super villain at the top of his game must choose between the world he wants and the woman he loves.

Still undecided? Worried you won't have enough time to read? Concerned because you need to save your spare change for gas money? I understand. Just remember, EVFIL is a novella and can be easily read on your phone or tablet device while you're stuck in a boring meeting or in traffic on your way to work. And laughter is the best medicine, so you can file the purchase of EVFIL as preventative care on your tax returns next year (if you need a larger write off please contact me and ask about donating to the Buy Liana Cookies Charity Fund).

And if that doesn't convince you, well, I have a flow chart for you. Click to enlarge or CLICK HERE to see full size.

Liana Brooks

It's really cute that you think this is optional, but it's not. Click the button.


  1. Love it! I was going to buy it anyway (since I didn't win a copy, darn it!) but I would totally buy it after this. *giggles*

    1. You have no excited that statement makes me. :o)

  2. I'll definitely grab this book, love the premise.
    Wagging Tales

  3. I got to Beta(Alpha?) one draft of this book. You will love it!

  4. ROFL! Well, I've already read the story about, oh, five times! But I've preordered my copy :o) Yay!

  5. Love the flow chart! I guess that since I answered yes to so many of those questions, I'm going to have to get this. :)

  6. Jean- Ha! My master plan is working!
