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Friday, May 11, 2012

#SFFSat - Silence

Welcome back to Science Fiction and Fantasy Saturday! Make sure you check out all the other posts when you're done here!

This week's post is from the opening chapters of DUNGEON CRAWL: THE FALL. After some deliberation I decided to show the moment of Sari's death, and her fall from grace. As a paladin of Medea, goddess of Innocents, Sari has vowed to never harm another living soul. Still, she and the other paladins of Medea go to defend Vondrin through prayer, and by serving as living shields for the warriors.

Movement on the wall caught her attention. “The demons are climbing our wall!” she shouted, her voice echoing with divine power. Her body was below her, just above where the demons climbed.

But… I’m here…

You are with me, the goddess whispered from all around her. You are with me.


A red demon gained the upper parapet and a curved talon caught Sari’s mortal body.

“This is death,” she whispered, high above the fray. She felt a sense of loss. Sadness as she saw the body fall. But as it plummeted toward the red tide of demons thrashing against the desert gate Sari could feel herself becoming solid here, high above everything. The sounds of the war withdrew.

Silence, precious and pure, encompassed her.


  1. wow, a very literal fall. And yet she was with her goddess? Intrigued!

    1. Ah, but she's not dead yet! Part two comes next week (because I'm evil like that).

  2. Definitely draws you in...great snippet!

  3. Well done, you can really feel for her.

    1. Sari - at this point in the book - would freak out and run if you told her that, but I'm flattered.

  4. Tastefully done! Well thought out. I love it. It really puts you there with her. Awesome snippet. I'm so glad you chose this one.

    1. Wait until next week's snippet and let me know if you still like it, she hasn't completed the fall yet. :)

  5. I think Sari will find that death is a very great adventure.

    1. You're assuming the fall will kill her. Am I ever that straightforward? Especially with death?

  6. I;m with Misa, sounds like death could be quite an interesting adventure!

    1. The next few minutes will certainly change her life!

      Thank you for reading. :)

  7. Interesting that she feels herself becoming more solid as her mortal body is about to die. Makes me wonder, more solid into what?

  8. Death might not be what we perceive it. Lovely snippet.

  9. Chilling!! You captured this moment so well, Liana. Beautiful.

  10. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!! I almost wept! well done!!
