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Friday, April 13, 2012

#SFFSat - Dinner Bell

Welcome to another Science Fiction and Fantasy Saturday!

Today's snippet is from JANE'S SHADOW, the second book in the Jane series. After six months apart Samantha abd Mac are brought back together when he comes to town as part of an investigation. And, after six months apart, there's only one thing on his mind: food.

He followed Hoss into the tiny kitchen. There were steaks marinating on the counter in a bag. Two steaks. There would be potatoes in the cupboard, maybe some spring asparagus in the fridge. His stomach growled. “Sam?”

“Yes?” She walked out of her room, still dressed in her standard navy skirt with white blouse, holding a box with a pair of running shorts and a familiar shirt hanging out.

“What part of my soul do I need to sell to get one of those steaks for dinner?”

“Oh.” Sam slumped with fatigue. “I forgot about those. I really need to cook them, too. I got them out Sunday and fell asleep before I got around to dinner. But we need to find you a hotel.”

“I can sleep on the couch.”

Sam rolled her eyes. “You are so bad for me, MacKenzie!”


  1. Lol, fab snippet. Though I really shouldn't be reading about food when I'm starving! :P

    1. I was hungry while I was writing the scene. :o)

  2. "And, after six months apart, there's only one thing on his mind: food."

    Ha ha! Great set up for your snippet. Set the mood perfectly.

    1. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the shout out on Twitter. :o)

  3. I love this! You made my mouth water. That sounded like a really good meal to me and I haven't had my breakfast yet!

  4. Sounds like most men: food first. A primal instinct. Heheh...love the line: I can sleep on the couch. How cheeky!!

    1. Sam and Mac have a complicated relationship and food bridges the gap for a lot of their issues. They don't always get along, but she cooks when stressed and he loves to eat. :o)

  5. Oop - I'm glad I had breakfast before reading your snip, otherwise I'd have food on my mind too! :)

    1. Maybe I'll sneak the recipes in as an e-book bonus or something. :o)

  6. Mmmmm...steaks...

    And, it just so happens that I am on my lunch break right now. A really great snippet that got my stomach growling.

  7. Heh...enjoyed this one. But, unfortunately, I haven't eaten for a long time, so it's making me hungry as well... :-\

    1. Next time I post about food I'll include the recipe.

  8. Replies
    1. Hoss is Sam's mastiff. He's 160 pounds of puppy, and he's based on the mastiffs I've had. We had two, at one point, but are now down to just the one.

  9. Right now I'd sell my soul for a good steak too.
