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Friday, March 23, 2012

SFF Saturday: Deleted Scene from EVEN VILLAINS FALL IN LOVE

I was torn on what to post for this weeks Science Fiction and Fantasy Saturday Snippet, and then I found this in my Dropbox folder. It's a deleted scene from my debut novella EVEN VILLAINS FALL IN LOVE which comes out April 4th. This scene didn't survive to see the second draft, let alone my editor's desk.

Here it is, my first attempt at pinning down Doctor Charm's relationship with his loyal minion Hert:

Rust flakes and broken metal fell in my hand. "Bring me the wrench. The wrench you spawn of a sewage truck, not the screwdriver! The wrench!"

"Yes, Doctor Charm." Warty Hert, my ever loyal minion (gentically engineered to do exactly what you say 33% of the time!) finally found the wrench.

I wiggled my way out from under the broken machine. "We're not going to fix it in time, Hert."


  1. Heh, love that dialogue! And enjoyed seeing this deleted scene. I may have to try that for some of my future SFFS offerings as well...

    1. I love having deleted scenes to look back at once the manuscript is finished. Doctor Charm changed a lot between this draft and the final one. :o)

  2. Good minions are so hard to find. Cute snippet. I love deleted scenes. I never throw anything away.

  3. I love finding deleted scenes in movies. Reading this one evokes the same feeling in me. I should start doing this, too.

  4. Love this snippet! Doctor Charm seems very 'charming' to Hert, lol. And Hert - does he by any chance have lots of warts? Funny snippet!

  5. Haha...love it! Very funny. I must remember to save my deleted stuff.

  6. Nope, don't remember this!

    Fun excerpt and welcome to SSFSat (finally... :P)

    1. I know, right? It only took me how many weeks to remember to sign up?

      And, no, there's no scene like this now in EVFIL. You might see part of it from Tabitha's POV in EVERY HERO NEEDS A VILLAIN, but it never made it past the second draft of EVFIL.

  7. Had to chuckle at that "loyal minion." Reminds me a bit of Max in the Great Race.

    1. I'm not familiar with that book, but I'll go look it up. :o)

  8. The title is so intriguing and I loved "spawn of the sewage truck." I keep all my deleted scenes too. I think I have more deleted scenes than scenes in my manuscript. Oh, well.

    I love what you did in this scene, too bad it didn't make the final cut. I hope you give us some more from this novel next week.

    Great snippet! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Just for you, I'll find a snippet from the final draft for next week.

  9. Lmao, well, 33% is still more than my kids are willing to do! :D
