I'm not sure how I missed this, but the publishing house of Allen & Unwin has a Friday Pitch session. The accept UNSOLICITED (as in no agent or anything) submissions in all genres of adult work both fiction and non-fiction (no poetry, straight romance.
The rules are fairly simple, and you can read all about them HERE. In brief...
- Finished manuscript (Do not put yourself in a situation where they want your book and it isn't polished.)
- Short synopsis of 300 words or less attached as Word document (Think 2 minute elevator pitch style.)
- First chapter double-spaced attached as Word document
- Title Information Sheet pasted in the body of the email and filled out appropriately (Don't send the email with _______ instead of your name. Even if you're nervous.)
- Subject line for the email should be the genre for your story (If you don't know what genre you write you are not ready to submit.)
Allen and Unwin publishes some amazing books, and several of the authors have moved through the slush pile this way. Good luck!
Oooh, thanks for sharing. This is good to know.