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Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Random

I admit defeat... I can't figure out how to get tabs to work with the new blogger designs, so I'm reverting back to what I know.

Random Holiday of the Week: Pioneer Day... do you know where your ancestors walked from? My father's family walked from the Volga River valley in Russia across Europe, sailed over the Atlantic, and walked to an area near modern day Spokane, Washington. I've never been there.

Random Five Things I Want Right Now:

1. Rain- we haven't had any in 3 weeks and my garden is dying

2. House elves - Pretty please, someone do the dishes!

3. A Magic Editing Wand - The Great Edit starts Aug 1st and I'm just a tiny bit terrified

4. Flowers- Did I mention lack of rain = dead garden? Actually, it's probably the 106 degree heat, but still! My flowers are dead.

5. Dinner - yeah, I'm simple...

Sorry for the late posting! My week keeps getting away from me. The good news is that school starts for the kiddos in just a few weeks, and then I'll be back to writing, blogging, critiquing, and editing full-time!

Five things sci-fi gets wrong... including how to stop a hole in the decking with a jacket and not get sucked into vacuum!


  1. I could sure use some house elves. And garden gnomes. My plants in my garden also wilted from the heat, but frankly, I'm glad to be rid of those weeds anyway.

  2. 5 things I want right now:

    1. Sleep
    2. A better ending for my book
    3. Responses to all my emails
    4. Fun mail
    5. A good book

    *clicks heels and chants: "There's no page like homepage. There's no..."* I clearly haven't slept for quite a few hours.

