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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I've Been Out-Geeked!

Oh no!!! When I posted the Q4U yesterday I didn't realize I was seriously outgunned electronically. The blog readers around here are plugged in and assimilated. Full throttle.

Droids, Kindles, multiple laptops, PDAs, Ipods, Sony reader... and I thought I was bad because I have multiple game consoles!

For the record, around home we have 3 cell phones (one is DH's work phone), 3 game consoles (original Nintendo, gamecube, Wii), 2 DS, 1 gameboy, 1 desktop, 2 laptops, 2 ipods, and I think that's it.... I think.

I love the feedback.

Angela: I think both myself and my kids are too plugged in to be honest. If they are spending more time in the made up worlds of games and surfing/chatting/fbing/watching vids than they are out living their lives, then I think the situation needs balance.

I totally agree. I'd rather have my kids running around outside, even if they do need to learn to work a computer.

Kate: In general, I think technology is good for kids. That doesn't mean a six year old needs an iPhone, but I don't see the harm in kids becoming familiar with how technology works.

It's that balance thing again.

Jamie: It seems to me that people don't know how to "be alone" anymore - and I don't think that's necessarily a good thing. I know people who talk on the cell phone or text their way through even the grocery store - and I don't think that's healthy. I think people need to be able to function on their own, be independent, and not need the input of a "hive mind" for every little decision.

Oh my word! That's me! I catch myself wanting to Twitter about adding cinnamon to dinner. It's insane. There are no secrets anymore. And, really, no gossip. We're encouraged to talk about everything that's on our mind all the time, no matter how trivial.

Catherine: When to introduce kids to technology? As soon as they are interested. The only thing is moderation and supervision. I love my computers and would not let a kid play with them without me sitting there and keeping an eye on them. The other thing that concerns me is the death of penmanship... maybe I'm old fashioned but I think it's important for people to know how to write and write legibly. And they should know how to spell and write essays etc from scratch without the aid of electronic devices.

The internet is a scary place. My oldest is almost 8, but we have the computer password locked and she can't access the internet without help. It doesn't matter. At school they are being taught to Google and type in addresses. I dread the day my daughter learns about the crutch that is spell check. My husband can't spell without a computer in front of him. That's scary.

Stephanie: Frankly, I think electronics have been detrimental to communication abilities. And I'm not just talking about text language seeping into everyday speak in the younger generations. I had a friend once who would never call. She just texted. That's all she would do. You're not learning how to interact, read body language, etc.

I've been guilty of this. Not the txting, but I've noticed my language skills degrading away from the computer. I work from home. The majority of my human contact takes place online. When I'm not online, I'm at the school or with my kids. When I do speak in public, I'm realizing that I'm not as eloquent as I was when I spoke to people every day. I tend to fumble my words, or repeat myself. Just like I do when I type, but without the ability to edit.

Cassie: Oh boy. Man, am I ridiculously plugged in. And I love it.
I have:
Kindle (personal)
Sony Reader (on loan from work, all manuscripts)
iPod 1 - audio books
iPod 2 - music
Laptop 1 - new
Laptop 2 - old, but still works

Wait.... on loan from work to read manuscripts? What's your job again? All of a sudden, I have an afternoon research project.

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