- Laundry + Kool-aid = Bad Idea... especially red Kool-aid and white socks.
- Gates are usually closed for a reason. Keep that in mind before you open a gate. Especially if it says "Beware of Dog"
- Infants will sometimes laugh hysterically for no known reason. This is all the warning you're going to get from the adorable little tyrants. Run in fear.
- You granddaughter may love it when you turn the water on at the water park portion of a playground at 9am on a chilly morning, all the other parents there with toddlers will kill you. Those strollers are good for more than moving babies.
- Hiding the candy from a toddler won't work. Neither will the baby locks. And, no, hiding it in the car won't work either. A candy-starved toddler on the scent of sugar is worse than a zombie horde with Reavers as back up. The only safe thing to do is not buy the candy.
- Generally speaking, telling the reader the ending of the book in the back-cover blurb is a Bad Idea. But, you never know, people still went to watch that Titanic movie.
- Children who can't read can't do laundry. They mistake things for soap, like Kool-aid, because Kool-aid and soap look very similar when you're two.
And, as my very last thought for the blog today.... "Toddler and Kool-aid in the same room together! What a Bad Idea!!!!"
How was your morning?

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Head butt from the two year old = busted lip. We're teaching him to not hit people, so this was his solution.
ReplyDeleteLiana, you make me laugh. So much.
I have a fat lip from the Booble Head. She was trying to sit up, and missed. :P