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Friday, May 21, 2010

Quotes and Plans

Quote of the Week:
Writing can be learned.
Syntax can be taught.
Determination is yours and yours alone.
- Janet Reid (posted on Query Shark)
Shark image found Here.

Plans for This Weekend:
Building. This and This.

Because my books look like this... Yes, beloved books all over the floor with no room on the shelves.

I need a new home for all my books, and Eldest needs a new bed. It's time for me to break out the nails and get to work. Ana White of Knock-Off Wood is fantastic, super friendly, and if you're looking for furniture I recommend browsing her site. You never know, maybe in addition to being a fantastic author you also have a future as a furniture maker. :o)

Happy Friday!

So........ What's your random?

1 comment:

  1. I keep my books in crates, and I recently gave away many that I wouldn't read again.

    Happy building.
